Configuring LiveGateway Boards
When you configure the LiveGateway board, you need information about the ISDN BRI network interface your
computer uses and the board settings. The configuration fields and defaults are outlined in Preparing Board
Configuration Information.
Accessing the LiveGateway Configuration Screen
The LiveGateway Configuration screen is displayed automatically when the Setup program is complete. You
can configure the LiveGateway boards as soon as the screen is displayed, immediately after installing the
software, or you can do it later. To access the LiveGateway Configuration program later:
Click the Windows NT Start button, and choose Programs -> PictureTel LiveGateway ->
LiveGateway Configuration.
Entering LiveGateway Configuration Information
You can add LiveGateway configuration information immediately after loading the LiveGateway software, or
you can add information later by running the LiveGateway Configuration Utility
To add configuration information now, click the Add button. List boxes appear displaying default values. A
brief description of each list box field on the LiveGateway Configuration screen is provided in the following