Switch Type
Number Type Number Plan
VN3 in France Unknown Unknown
ITR6 in Germany Unknown ISDN
All other types Not used Not used
Ordering ISDN Service in the United States
An ISDN BRI line is needed to operate PictureTel LiveGateway. An ISDN BRI line can take several weeks to
install from the time you place the order; therefore, plan ahead. Also, make sure you know whether you need an
NT1 line.
Information You Need From Your Telephone Company
You need the following information from your telephone company:
• The type of central office switch in use in your area. The most common switch types are 5ESS,
DMS100, and EWSD NI1 (as shown in the following tables).
• The type of ISDN service available in your area. Two of the most common types are Custom or National
(as shown in the following tables). If Custom service is available, find out if it is a point-to-point or a
multi-point connection.
• Your dialing number.
• Your Service Provider Identification Number (SPID), if applicable.
Information You Can Provide to Your Telephone Company
The line provisioning requirements for PictureTel LiveGateway are listed in the following tables. To help
expedite the ISDN line installation process, please provide this information to your telephone company.
5ESS Switch Information
Version 5E6
or Higher*
Version 5E6
or Higher*
(NI1 and
(NI1 and