
What You Should Check
and/or Verify:
Was installation from CD ROM successful?
Did you configure and enable any boards via the
configuration utility?
After you started the application, did any error
messages appear on the screen?
Does LiveGateway log have any messages pointing to
a possible IRQ or I/O conflict?
Possible Solutions:
Reinstall software.
Run LiveGateway configuration utility to add/enable
Select another IRQ or I/O address (check in Windows
NT Diagnostics for resource usage).
Problem: Can't Add LiveGateway to LiveGateway SNMP Manager Console
Use the following checklist to quickly identify and resolve this problem.
Probable Causes:
Wrong IP address of server.
SNMP not running on server and/or client.
LiveGateway not configured to run SNMP.
What You Should
Check and/or
Is the SNMP Service installed and running on the server?
Is SNMP running on the client?
Is SNMP enabled on the LiveGateway?
How did you obtain the IP address of the server?
Install SNMP Service on NT system and ensure it is running.
Enable SNMP for LiveGateway via LiveGateway
configuration utility.
Enter valid IP address for LiveGateway server when adding
LiveGateways to the LiveManager console (check Network