
50003510 Revision A 73
SUPERSET 7000 Attendant Console
The SUPERSET 7000 Attendant Console is a DOS and Windows™ based application running
on a PC. It is equipped with a MITEL PC TALK TO card, a SUPERSET 400 series handset, an
extended keyboard, and a handset cradle. The PC TALK TO card uses a standard DNIC
interface to communicate to the SX-200 EL/ML system. Features such as call handling,
telephone directory with user status, and trunk labeling, run on the SUPERSET 7000 attendant
console. The SUPERSET 7000 attendant console performs call handling functions and is similar
to the SUPERCONSOLE 1000. The SUPERSET 7000 is not intended to function as a primary
console. The SUPERSET 7000 functions as a secondary console.
SUPERSET 7000 Attendant Console