Feature Description
50003510 Revision A 169
or Room Number requires that a room code (a COS name) be entered to specify the type of
room, such as single room, that should be searched. Nine types of room searches are available:
• Dirty
• Guaranteed
• Maid in Room
• Reserved
• Room Number
•Room Type
• Vac/Clean.
Hotel/Motel - Room Status Display
This feature allows the Attendant to display and change the status of one or more rooms. Room
status is made up of: Room Occupancy, Room Condition, Telephone Privileges (call
restrictions) and Maid in Room. Each (except Maid in Room) can be set independently of the
other by the Attendant. The choice of settings for room occupancy and room condition are:
The system can be programmed to change the status of all “occupied/clean” rooms to
“occupied/dirty” at a predetermined time. At the same time the system generates a list of all
Auto Wakeup requests.
Room Status is displayed on an attendant console, a front desk terminal, or a SUPERSET
display telephone.
Attendant Console: Selecting a room number on the console displays the status from the
above list. The maid in room status, the current call restriction status and the current message
register count are displayed at the same time. The console can also display all rooms that have
the following status combinations:
• A maid is in the room
• The room is vacant and clean
• The room is reserved and clean
• The room is out of service.
Occupancy Condition
Vacant Clean
Occupied Dirty
Reserved Out of Service
Guaranteed To Be Inspected