
50003510 Revision A 51
SX-200 RM Peripheral Cabinet
The SX-200 RM peripheral cabinet supports a Bay Power Supply, a Bay Control card, a PRI
card, a T1 card, a Peripheral FIM Carrier II card or a Peripheral Interface Module Carrier card,
and up to eight Peripheral Interface Cards. The peripheral cabinet is the same cabinet as the
SX-200 EL control cabinet.
Components of the peripheral cabinet include:
Bay Control Card - interfaces the peripheral cards with the Main Control Card III in the Control
Cabinet. The Bay Control Card (BCC) comes in two variants: BCC II and BCC III. The BCC III
has more processing power that is required for ISDN connectivity (BRI and PRI cards). The
BCC III in a peripheral cabinet also supports a DSP Module (Single), a T1/E1 Module, a FIM
II or a CIM. The BCC III requires an SX-200 ELx cabinet.
DSP Module (Single) - provides CLASS generators for ONS/CLASS sets and provides
conference bridges for Record a Call. This DSP module also provides 16 DTMF receivers thus
eliminating the need for a Universal Card. The DSP module sits on the BCC III. For CLASS
functionality, the DSP module must be in the same cabinet as the ONS/CLASS Line card. For
the Record a Call conference bridges, the DSP module must be in the same cabinet as the
user’s circuit.
T1/E1 Module - contains two digital trunk connections which can be configured as either having
a T1 style interface (1.544Mbits/s) or an E1 style interface (2.048Mbits/s).The SX-200 only
uses the T1 style interface.The two T1 connections, also referred to as circuits or links, support
48 channels.The T1/E1 module has an Extended Superframe (ESF) and has built in Channel
Service Unit (CSU) functionality. The T1/E1 module is installed on the PRI card or on the BCC III.
FIM II - connects the peripheral cabinet or the ISDN bay (PRI card) to the FIM II in the main
control cabinet. The FIM II is installed on the PRI card, Peripheral Interface Module Carrier
card, or on the Bay Control Card III in a peripheral cabinet. The FIM II has three variants: 1 km,
5 km, and 14 km. The fiber interface module must be the same type at both ends (main control
cabinet and peripheral cabinet).
Copper Interface Module (CIM) - supports the transmission of voice and data signals over
copper cables that provide connectivity between the main control cabinet and the peripheral
cabinets. The CIM uses a twisted pair interface with standard Category 5 cable. The CIM is
similar to the FIM in the way that it provides 3 ST links. In a peripheral cabinet, the CIM plugs
onto the BCC III, Peripheral Interface Module Carrier card, or the PRI card. The CIM supports
a minimum distance of ten meters between cabinets. The copper interface modules are ideal
for a co-located system.
PRI Card - provides one or two links of ISDN connectivity with the T1/E1 module that is installed
on the PRI card.The PRI card requires LIGHTWARE 17 Release 4.0 or greater software and
a SX-200 ELx cabinet (PN 9109-600-002-NA). The PRI card also holds a FIM II or a CIM. The
FIM II or CIM connects the PRI card bay to the interface module in the main control cabinet.The
SX-200 EL peripheral cabinet can hold up to 2 PRI cards.
Note: The BCC III, Peripheral Interface Module Carrier card, and the PRI card require
the SX-200 ELx cabinet. These cards support a FIM II or a CIM to connect the bay to
the control cabinet.