SX-200 General Information Guide
170 Revision A 50003510
Front Desk Terminal: Room status for a particular room is displayed on the Guest Room
update screen. Occupancy, condition, call privilege, and maid in room are displayed as separate
fields. Room status for a number of rooms can be displayed by doing a room search on the
basis of
• A maid is in the room
• The room is vacant and clean
• The room is vacant
• The room is dirty
• The room is reserved
• The room is out of service
• The room is guaranteed.
SUPERSET Display Telephone: This feature allows an authorized SUPERSET display
telephone to display the status of guest rooms. The room occupancy parameters are
• Vacant, occupied, reserved, guaranteed.
Each of these sections is further divided by room condition:
• Clean, dirty, out of service, to be inspected.
Maid in Room is displayed separately as part of the Maid in Room feature. Call restriction is
not displayed.
Hotel/Motel - Room Types and Room Codes
With this feature hotel guest rooms can be divided into 50 different types, such as single, double,
queen, smoking, and nonsmoking. This is done through customer data entry (CDE)
programming by putting each room type in a separate Class of Service (COS). Since each
COS can have a different name associated with it, the room is identified by the COS name. By
default, it can be identified by the code (COS number) associated with the COS name. Searches
and audits can be requested by room type or code.
Since the Front Desk has an alphanumeric keyboard, the COS name can be alphabetic. When
an alphabetic name is entered on the Front Desk Terminal, it can be displayed on the Attendant
Hotel/Motel - Single Line Reports
Single Line Reports are types of audits used to record changes in status for individual rooms.
These reports are generated automatically, and provide hard-copy evidence that a change has
occurred. The printouts produced by Single Line Reports are limited to 40 characters in length
and start with the room extension number, date and time. There are three categories of single
line reports:
• Wakeups
• Message Registration
• Message Waiting.