Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
Project Backup / Restore
With Mackie Media drives, you can back up your Projects on removable media
that you can hand to the client or store in your tape library. Backing up and
restoring Projects is as simple as copying the Projects between the internal and
the Mackie Media drives.
To copy Projects between the internal and Mackie Media drives:
1. Press the Backup
2. Using the - Dec / + Inc
or the << / >> buttons,
select Set Source to set the drive
the Project will be copied from, and Set Dest to set the drive the Project
will be copied to. Since a Project can’t be copied onto itself, the Source
and Destination drives must be different.
3. Select OK to return to the
Backup menu, then select
Backup. Choose the desired
Project using the (-) Dec / (+) Inc
or the << / >> buttons.
4. Press OK. When the backup is completed, either select another Project to
back up or press the Backup button to exit.
1. Select Project Manager from the File menu, or use the CTRL+B
keyboard shortcut. The Project Manager dialog box displays two
columns listing all of the Projects on each drive.
2. Click on the Project you want to copy. You can use CTRL+click
to select multiple Projects or SHIFT+click to select a
contiguous range of Projects.
3. Click the Copy arrow or drag the selected Project(s) across to
the opposite column. Click the small arrow in the top right
corner of the dialog box or hit ESC to exit.
Source Dest Exit Backup
Select Project to Backup
Eborall Song
<< >> OK Cancel