HDR 24/96
HDR 24/96
Naming Tracks
Recorded audio files inherit the name of the track
they are recorded on. The default names are Track 1,
Track 2, etc. By giving your tracks meaningful names,
managing your project and your audio files becomes
much easier.
To name Tracks:
1. Double-click on a Track Name to highlight it. Type in a new track name of
12 characters or less.
2. Hit TAB or SHIFT+TAB to move to the next/previous Track Name field.
3. Press ENTER or click outside the Track Name when done.
The Monitor Mode buttons determine what you hear from the HDR24/96 Tape
Outputs. The HDR24/96 offers several familiar track monitoring modes to
facilitate rehearsal, tracking, and overdubbing.
All Input
All Input is used for rehearsal and level setting. When All Input is on, both
armed and unarmed tracks monitor their inputs, and the Auto Input setting
has no effect.
To enable All Input:
Press the All Input button and the glowing LED
above the button will indicate it is on.
Click the All Input button at the bottom left of the
display, or select All Input from the Transport pull-
down menu.