Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
Locates 1 and 2 double as start and end points for looped playback. When looping
is enabled, playback cycles between the Loop Start and Loop End points. The
order of the Loop points does not matter. If Current Time is outside the Loop
points when playback starts, the transport jumps to the Loop Start point; if it is
between the Loop points, playback starts from the Current Time.
To enable Looping:
1. Press Loop 1-2 to enable looping.
2. Press Play to start loop playback.
1. Click Loop to enable looping.
2. Click Play to start loop playback.
Whenever Loop is enabled, two blue Loop markers appear in the Marker Bar,
indicating the loop start and end points.
To adjust the Loop Start and Loop
markers (Locates 1 and 2):
With Loop enabled, drag the Loop Marker in the Marker Bar to the
desired time.