HDR 24/96
HDR 24/96
1. Select Setup from the Windows menu (or use keyboard
shortcut CTRL+1) and click on the Digital I/O icon.
The Digital I/O Setup dialog shows you the current settings
for each of the three I/O cards (see illustration below).
2. Click on the Input pulldown menu and select either
ADAT or TDIF for each DIO•8 card.
3. Click on the Output pulldown menu and select the
desired output format. Or, select the TDIF–>ADAT or
ADAT–>TDIF option to convert between formats,
bypassing the HDR24/96 tape signal path entirely.
4. Click the arrow in the top right corner of the dialog or hit ESC to exit.
I/O Card 1-8
I/O Card 9-16
I/O Card 17-
24 (PDI•8)
24- bit Analog
Apogee DIO
TD -> AD
AD -> TD
The input and output settings on the DIO•8 card need not be the same.
For example, you can use outboard A/D converters with ADAT Optical
outputs and a console with TDIF inputs without problems. Just remember
to correctly set up Word Clock.