Channel Mapping
A-2 Issue 1 June 2000
1. Starting at the INTUITY Administration menu, select:
The system responds with the Voice Equipment screen, as shown in
Figure A-1.
The channel state, shown in the third column of the Voice Equipment
screen, may be in-service (Inserv), facility-out-of-service (FOOS), or
manually-out-of-service (Manoos).
Figure A-1. Voice Equipment Screen Before Administration (Newly Installed Circuit
In this screen, the INTUITY system uses the following abbreviations:
■ CHN: channel
■ CD.PT: card number and port
■ STATE: current port state
■ STATE-CHG-TIME: the time that the change to the current port
state occurred
■ GROUP: a number may or may not appear in this field. This field is
not currently used for the INTUITY system. Leave this setting as 2,
the default.
2. Press (Change Keys) to display the voice equipment function keys.
> Voice Equipment
> Voice System Administration