
Conversion Instructions
Issue 1 June 2000
3. Perform additional administration on the Lucent INTUITY system such as
routing tables and automated attendants as needed. See Chapter 6,
INTUITY System Administration, in INTUITY Integration with MERLIN
LEGEND Communications System, 585-310-231, Issue 2.
4. Continue with Task 11, Shutdown the Lucent INTUITY System.
Task 11 - Shutdown the Lucent INTUITY System
Shutdown the system so that you can install the cables.
1. Starting at the System Management Screen, select:
The system displays the following message:
Enter y to continue, no to quit
2. Enter y to continue the shutdown.
The system starts the shutdown, presents shutdown messages, and then
displays the following message:
The system is down.
Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to reboot your computer.
3. Turn the power switch for the MAP to OFF:
On the MAP/5, the power switch is located centrally, behind the
front panel. It is the green button.
On the MAP/40, the power switch is located on the front of the MAP,
in the center, to the right-hand side.
On the MAP/100, the power switch is located behind the right-hand
door panel, at the bottom.
On the MAP/100, do not use the power switch on the back of
the MAP. If this switch is used, the MAP/100 with battery
backup will continue to run because of the battery backup.
4. Continue with Task 12, Cable the MAP and Administer the MERLIN
LEGEND Communications System.
> Shutdown Voice System
> System Control