Conversion Instructions
Issue 1 June 2000
Figure 2-3. Information Screen
6. Press .
The system returns to the Alarm Management screen.
7. Press (Cancel) twice.
The system returns to the Customer/Services Administration screen.
8. Continue with Task 3, “Stop the Voice System”.
Task 3 - Stop the Voice System
The following procedure describes how to stop the Lucent INTUITY voice
1. Starting at the Customer/Services Administration menu, select:
The system displays the following prompt:
Enter y to continue, n to quit.
2. Enter y
The system stops the voice system and returns to the System Control
screen. If the system displays the following message:
The Voice System has stopped.
Press ENTER to continue . . .
press to return to the System Control screen.
3. Press (Cancel) twice to return to the Customer/Services Administration
4. Continue with Task 4, “Make an Attended Back-up Tape”.
> Stop Voice System
> System Control
> System Management