
Ez Download Utility (Cont.)
(Continued from previous page)
Update progress will be shown in a new screen. Do NOT remove the USB device while updates
are in progress. When the Ez Download process is complete, an overview of the results will
be returned to program viewing or the STB will reboot (see note below).
Note: If the STB’s CPU or PTC software has just been updated, the STB will reboot after the
Ez Download process is complete. The STB will also initiate a reboot if you updated the STB
configuration with a TLX file that included a change to Installer Menu item 105 VID OUT
item 105 description on page 37).
11. Remove the USB memory device, and verify that the appropriate configuration/update(s) is/are
resident on the STB.
Note for TLX configuration: Whenconguration(and,ifapplicable,anSTBreboot/conrmation
of new screen resolution) is complete, the STB tunes according to the Start Channel setting in
theInstallerMenu.IfaStartChannelisspecied,theSTBwilltunetothatchannel, though in the
included in the FTG Channel Map (depending on your selection in step 9, the channel banner will
display either the Start Channel’s logical channel number or physical RF channel number).
Otherwise, the STB will either return to the last channel tuned (STB in Pass-through Mode) or
tunetotherstchannelintheFTGChannelMap(STB in FTG Mode). In the latter case, remember
that the channels in the FTG Channel Map are always arranged in logical order, regardless of your
selection in step 9.