
* PCS150R and later Pro:Centric servers do not support HRC or IRC cable channel frequencies.
EZ-Manager Wizard (Cont.)
(Continued from previous page)
3. Refertotheappropriatesubsectionbelow,dependingonthePro:Centricserverconguration,to
RF Conguration
a) In the Media Type eld,use the Left/Right arrow keys to select RF.
b) IntheDataChanneleld,usetheLeft/RightarrowkeystoselecttheRFchannelnumber
that will be used by the Pro:Centric server as its data channel. The Data Channel value can
be set from 1 to 135. *
IP Conguration
a) In the Media Type eld,use the Left/Right arrow keys to select IP.
Note: Bydefault,thePro:CentricManualCongurationscreeninitiallyshowsRFconguration
b) Enter the Pro:Centric server IP address and port number in the IP Address and IP Port elds,
respectively. The IP address must match the IPv4 multicast address and the port number
must match the port number that is set in the Pro:Centric server.
Foreachdataentryeld:UsethearrowkeystoselecttheeldandpressOK. Then, you
can either use the number keys on the Installer Remote to direct enter data values or use
the arrow keys to select the appropriate number(s) from the pop-up virtual keyboard displayed
at the bottom of the screen. When you are done, select Enter from the virtual keyboard, and
then press OK on the Installer Remote.
4. Oncealleldsarecompletedasrequired,youhave two options (see also note below):
• To save the data entered and exit the wizard, use the arrow keys to select EXIT and then press
OK.Inthesubsequentpop-upconrmationwindow,selectSAVE & EXIT, and then press OK
once more. The Pro:Centric application and/or E-Z Installation data will be downloaded to the
STB at a later time. This option is useful, in particular, if the Pro:Centric server has not yet been
• To initiate a real-time download of Pro:Centric application and/or E-Z Installation data, use the
arrow keys to select NEXT, and then press OK.
The EZ-Manager Wizard will proceed with the remaining Pro:Centric application and/or E-Z
on page 20).
as the STB’s Data Channel in order for you to select “NEXT” (you will see a “data channel found”
be present via the wired LAN cable connection in order for you to select “NEXT” (you will see a
(Continued on next page)