
Control Knobs
Theknobsonthe controlpanelcanbe removedwiththecontrolsintheOff position.Pull
each knobstraightfromtheshaft. Wash knobsinwarmsoapywater ordishwasher;do
notuseabrasivecleansersor materials. To replaceeach knob,matchfiat partof knob
openingwiththeflatoftheshaft,returning in Offposition. Important: Neveruse ametal
blade topry knoboff.
Control Panel Area and Display Window
Wipewithpapertowelsdampenedwithsoapywaterorglasscleaner. Donotsprayany
cleaningsolutionsdirectlyonto the Displaywindowor use large amounts of soap and
water. Do not scrub with S.O.S pads or abrasive cleansers.
Glass on Oven Door Front
Use any suitableglasscleaner or soapywater.
Oven Door Trim
Slightlydampena clothor papertowelwithsoapywateror nonabrasivecleansersuch
as Fantastikor409. Do notuseexcessiveamountsofwater or allowwatertorundown
throughthe air vents underthe door handlesince thiswill cause streaks which will be
visiblethroughthe glassdoor. White partsmay be cleanedwithchlorinebleachor a
nonabrasivecleanserthatcontainschlorinebleach. Donotuseany abrasivecleansers.
ovencleaners,orscrubwithanyabrasive mater/als,suchas S.O.S. oads.Scotoh-Brite
oads. etc.
to avoidignitionfailureandpossiblegasbuildup. Ifthe portopeningsare blocked,
use a toothpick to removefood particles.
The ignitercap and sterncan be cleaned withwarm soapy water and a plastic
scrubber. The wire electrode inside the cap can be cleaned with a small brush.
Rinseand dry.
Surface Burner Assembly
The surface burner assembly can be cleaned with mild detergents and a plastic
scrubber,orwashedinthe dishwasher.To preventscratchingthe burnerheads,donot
use abrasivecleansers or scrubbingpads. Do NOTclean in a self-clean oven.
Note: Checktobe sure all portsare open. To opencloggedports,inserta toothpick
directly intoeach port.
Althoughthe burner grate is durable, it will gradually lose its shine and/or discolor,
regardlessofthe careyou takeof it. Thisisdueto itsexposureto thehightemperature
of the gas flames.
To preservethe porcelainenamel finishas longas possible,have a pan on the grate
before you turn on the burner, and lowerthe flame when food reaches the desired