• Sincethe controlsarea push-tumtype,they mustbe pushedin beforeturning.To
set(fromtheOffposition),push inon controlknobandimmediatelyturncounteroiock-
wisetothe Lite positionuntilburnerignites. After ignition,turnknobclock,Mse to
• Igniterwillcontinuetosparkuntilknobisturnedclockwisebackto orpastHi position
on knob.
1. 2* S. 4,
1. Left rearsurfaceburneror grill Note; When using an AG202 surface burner
2. Leftfrontsurfaceburnerorgrill assemblywith controllocations#1 and #2, the
3. R{ghtrearsurfaceburner controlknob may be turned to a positionlower
4. Rightfrontsurface burner thanthe Losetting. (TheLo settingissetforthe
The controlsofferflexibilityin heat settingselection. An infinitenumberof settingsexist
betweenHi andLo. AttheHI setting,a detentmaybe felt. Forall settingsotherthanHi,
simplyadjustyourflame for best results.
Thesizeandtypeofcookwareandtheamountandtype offoodbeingcookedwillinfluence
the settingneededforbest resuRs.Suggestedsettingsare providedas guidelines.
HI: A fastheatto startcookingquickly,to bringliquidsto
e boil,to preheatoilfor deepfat frying.
{Meal. High)For fastfryingorbrowningof foods,tomaintainrap_ _'_..__
boil of large amounts of food, to maintain oll
temperaturefordeepfat frying. _,_-=._%_,_
Meal: For most frying, sauteing, and slow boil of large _
amountsof food.
(Meal.Lo) Forsimmering,maintainingboilof smallamountsof
Lo: Maintainingservingtemperatureof foods, melting
butteror chocolate.