The control panel is designed for ease in programming. The Display Window features
Indicator Words which will flash to prompt you for the next step.
To program
1, Touch the function pad to give command desired.
2. Touch the appropriate number pads to enter time or temperature.
Note: Five seconds after entering the number, the time or temperature will
automatically be entered. If more than five seconds elapse between touching a
function pad and touching a number pad,the control isnot set and Display willreturn
to previous Display ........ JEN.,,-_,R
Oven Controls I_¢h_ Tir_
Function Pads
Usefor conventionalbakingorroasting,
(Forlockfunctionseepage 47.)
Usefor clockcontrolledcooking.
;i;_ CancelsallprogrammingexceptTimer.
UsetoturntheVentilationSystemon oroff. (See p.10.)
Usetosignalexpirationof a timeperiodupto 11 hoursand55 minutes.
Useto signalexpirationofa timeperiodupto 11hoursand55 minutes.
Usetosettimeof day.
_; Usetoturnovenlighton andoff.