
The rackpositionsnotedare generallyrecommendedforthe best browningresultsand
mostefficientcookingtimes. For manyfood items,excellentresultscan be achieved
when usingone ofsevera/different rackpositions. Referto bakingendroastingsections
for recommendationsfor specificfoods.
Different Racks
, Twoflat racksand oneoffsetrackare packagedwithyour oven. The use of theoffset
rack is denotedin the listbelow andthe chartsas an "o" after the rack number,
4 (flat rack)
30 (offset rack)
1 (flat rack)
Rack Uses
Reck Position #40 (offset reck on #4):
Rack Position #3:
Mostbakedgoods on cookiesheets,cakes (sheet and layer).
Rack Position #3o (offset rack on #3):
Most baked goodson cookiesheets, frozen conveniencefoods,fresh fruit pie,
cream pie, layer cakes,maindish souffle.
Rack Position #2:
Roastingsmallcutsof meat,cakes(tube,bundtor layer),frozenfruitpie,pieshell,
large casseroles,
Reck Position #2o (offset rack on #2):
Roastingsmall cutsof meat, loaves ofbread, angel foodcake.
Reck Position #1:
Largecuts ofmeatand large poultry,angel foodcake, loaves of bread,custard pie,
desseK souffle.
Multiple Rack Cooking:
Two racks, use #2o and #4. Three racks, use#1, #3o, and #4.