DMC 1000 Digital Media Camcorder User’s Guide (v1.15) 55
Chapter 4 - Menu navigation
4.3.3 Function buttons
The screen can show up to eight function buttons. When less functions are required the button
spaces are left blank. If a particular function is momentarily unavailable, it is dimmed.
There are two types of function button:
• A button with a title and a small arrow in the corner.
• A button with a title and a value under it.
Function buttons that have a small arrow in the corner have a submenu. Tap this type of button
to open a screen with a new sub-set of function buttons.
Function buttons with a title and a value are used to change the value of the parameter. Tap this
type of button to open a pop-up box. This pop-up box allows you to select a value for the
function. In the example below, you can select the video standard:
The buttons in the pop-up box are used as follows:
In this guide, the menu paths are shown as follows: SETUP
Buttons along the bottom of the screen are shown in bold.
Button Use
tap the arrow buttons to move through the list of available values.
tap to undo any unapplied changes and close the pop-up box.
tap to apply the selected value.
tap to apply your selection and close the pop-up box.