128 DMC 1000 Digital Media Camcorder User’s Guide (v1.15)
Chapter 13 - Viewfinder menu
Soft detail On, Off Turns soft detail on or off. This function
reduces the amount of detail added for large
Level 0..99 (30) Sets the upper limit level of detail
enhancement for soft detail.
2 Scene
Black lvl 2
Dyn. black On, Off Turns dynamic black on or off 2 Scene
Auto black On, Off Turns automatic black on or off 3 Scene
Master black 0..99 (50) Sets black level adjustment (master) 2 Scene
Black lvl R 0..99 (50) Sets black level adjustment (R) 3 Scene
Black lvl G 0..99 (50) Sets black level adjustment (G) 3 Scene
Black lvl B 0..99 (50) Sets black level adjustment (B) 3 Scene
Black stretch 3
Black stretch O > Off Turns black stretch on or off. Use to enhance
image details in the dark parts of the image.
Level 0..99 (50) Sets black stretch level when black stretch is
on. 50 is no stretch, >50 is black press.
3 Scene
Contrast Stretch, Press Sets contrast to black stretch or black press
when black stretch is on.
Knee 2
Knee Auto, Var, Off Sets knee mode:
Auto = automatic;
Var = variable (manual);
Off = no knee function.
Knee type Y, NAM Selects knee type:
Y = luminance;
NAM = luminance of highest RGB
3 Scene
Point 0..99 (0) Sets the point where the knee gamma curve
begins (in manual mode).
Slope 0..99 (10) Sets the slope of the knee gamma curve (in
manual mode).
3 Scene
Limit 0..99 (0) Sets the knee limitation level. S1 Scene
Desat On, Off Turns knee desaturation on or off. S1 Scene
Desat lvl 0..99 (50) Sets the desaturation level when knee mode
is variable and desaturation is on.
S1 Scene
Auto white point 0..99 (30) Sets the knee point when knee mode is set to
S1 Scene
Auto white ref 0..99 (30) Sets the auto reference level when knee
mode is set to automatic.
S1 Scene
Auto white limit 0..99 (50) Sets the auto limitation level when knee mode
is set to automatic.
S1 Scene
Skin 2
Skin Off, 1, 2, 1+2 Turns skin detail off or on and selects the
memory position.
2 Scene
State Off, On (read only indicator) 2
Menu item Values Description Level File