132 DMC 1000 Digital Media Camcorder User’s Guide (v1.15)
Chapter 13 - Viewfinder menu
13.3 Setup menu
Menu item Values Description Level File
Formats 0
Video standard 1080i50,720p50,576i50,
Selects camera video standard. 0 Prod
Video source CAM, SDI, CVBS Selects recording source:
CAM = camera;
SDI = digital video input;
CVBS = analog video input.
Compress HD JP2K50, JP2K75,
JP2K100, (MP2I60),
Selects video compression and bitrate for HD
recording. MPEG2 compression is optional.
0 Prod
Compress SD DV25, JP2K30, JP2K40,
JP2K50, (MP2I30),
(MP2I40), (MP2I50)
Selects video compression and bitrate for SD
recording. MPEG2 compression is optional.
media selection REV, CF1, CF2, Extern Selects the storage media for recording
multimedia data.
0 Prod
Chunk size NoLimit, 10 sec., 30 sec.,
60 sec., 2 GB
Sets the chunk size for the mediafile.
(NoLimit is not available when CF1 or CF2 is
VF playback Conf, Full Sets the way content is displayed in the
Conf = as is (‘confidence’);
Full = maximized crop.
0 Prod
Aspect Ratio 16:9, 4:3, LB Sets aspect ratio of the recorded signal (only
available when an SD video standard is
Timecode 0
Run mode Record-run > Free-run Sets the run mode of the timecode generator:
Record-run = timecode generator only runs
when recording.
Free-run = timecode generator runs
FRun set 0
FRun mode 0Prod
Output TC type DVITC, LTC Selects timecode type to be used for the
LTC = Lineair timecode;
DVITC = Digital Vertical Interval Timecode
(from SDI)
0 Prod
Input TC type DVITC, LTC Selects timecode type to be used for the
LTC = Lineair timecode;
DVITC = Digital Vertical Interval Timecode
(from SDI)
Drop frame NDF, DF Selects drop frame or non drop frame mode
(in 59.94 modes)
0 Prod
New timecode
Hours 0..24 Sets value for hours. 0
Minutes 0..59 Sets value for minutes. 0