DMC 1000 Digital Media Camcorder User’s Guide (v1.15) 109
Chapter 12 - Side panel menu
Chapter 12
Side panel menu
12.1 Audio menu
Menu item Values Description Level File
channel 1
ch1 filter None, 150Hz Selects the channel filter. 1 Prod
ch1 lvl control AGC, Fixed, Lev1+Front,
Level 1, Front
Selects a recording level control. 1 Prod
ch1 recording lvl 0..99 (50) Sets the fixed recording level (when fixed
control is selected).
ch1 AGC profile Noisy, Quiet, Standard Selects the AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
1 Prod
channel 2
ch2 filter None, 150Hz Selects the channel filter. 1 Prod
ch2 lvl control AGC, Fixed, Lev2+Front,
Level 2, Front
Selects a recording level control. 1 Prod
ch2 recording lvl 0..99 (50) Sets the fixed recording level (when fixed
control is selected).
1 Prod
ch2 AGC profile Noisy, Quiet, Standard Selects the AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
channel 3
ch3 filter None, 150Hz Selects the channel filter. 1 Prod
ch3 lvl control AGC, (AGC-Stereo), Fixed,
Lev1+Front, Level 1,
Selects a recording level control. 1 Prod
ch3 recording lvl 0..99 (50) Sets the fixed recording level (when fixed
control is selected).
ch3 AGC profile Noisy, Quiet, Standard Selects the AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
1 Prod
channel 4
ch4 filter None, 150Hz Selects the channel filter. 1 Prod