
Garlic Bread
Make diagonal slices into a loaf of French bread about
2” apart, being careful not to cut all the way through
the bottom.
Mash one clove of garlic (or use about
4 teaspoon of
garlic powder) and mix well with
2 cup of butter.
Spread butter mixture on both sides of each slice.
Wrap the whole loaf in foil and heat at 180 to 200ºF
in your Hasty-Bake with the heat deflector in place
over the coals until the bread is heated through (about
20 minutes).
Hasty-Baked Pizza Dough
1 package dry active yeast
4 cup tepid water
1 Tablespoon honey
4 cups unbleached flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried basil
2 teaspoons olive oil
2 cup cold water
In the bottom of a food processor, mix tepid water,
yeast and honey. Process for a couple seconds.
Add flour, salt, oregano, basil and oil to the bowl of
the food processor and pulse to combine.
Add water to bowl and process until dough is
formed. Stop the machine and feel the dough. If it is
too moist, sprinkle a little flour over the dough and
process a couple more turns. Let the dough rest in the
food processor for 4 to 5 minutes.
Now start the processor again and let the dough
rotate in the bowl 25 to 30 times. This completes
machine kneading. Remove the dough from the bowl
and place on a lightly floured surface. Let dough rest
another 2 minutes.
Place dough in an oiled bowl and cover with plastic.
Put in a warm place until dough has doubled in size
(approximately 1 to 1
2 hours).
Remove dough from bowl and knead in order to
deflate and redistribute yeast. Divide for the number of
pizzas you will be making.
Prepare a medium direct fire in your Hasty-Bake.
Clean grill surface well with a brush. Roll out dough to
the appropriate size. Fold dough in half and lay on the
grill, then unfold so the crust is directly over the coals.
Close the lid and wait about 3 minutes. Lift lid to
check. The dough should be puffing up. When it is
lightly browned, remove and invert it so the browned
side is up on a pizza peel or a sheet pan.
Now place the toppings of your choice (sauce,
chicken, veggies, cheese, etc.) on the cooked side. Slide
the pizza back onto the grill, this time not directly over
the coals. Close the lid and cook for another 10
minutes or until nicely done.
(Note: The best way to arrange the charcoal to make
pizza on your Hasty-Bake is to confine your fire to the
right side of your grill. Put the dough on the right side
to brown the first time. Then use the left side to finish
cooking the pizza with toppings.)
Owner’s Guide & Instruction Manual