
Getting Started
Open the hood and dual draft vents.
Excess grease build up should be removed from the
top of the heat deflector and the grease drain to
prevent grease fires.
Open the fire door. Slide the ash pan and fire box
approximately half way out. Load the charcoal (we
recommend hardwood charcoal) into the fire box.
The charcoal should be loaded in the right side of the
fire box only, level with the top of the fire box. If you
are planning to sear over the entire cooking surface,
still load the charcoal in the right side only and
spread it evenly across the fire box after the charcoal
has reached desired intensity.
Slide the fire box back into the unit. Place two
Firelighters on the ash pan and slide the ash pan back
into the unit. Using the crank handle, lower the fire
box until it is positioned approximately 1 inch above
the ash pan. This will allow the flames from the
Firelighters to leap up through the charcoal until the
charcoal is well ignited. If using hardwood charcoal,
the fire should be fully ignited in 10 to 15 minutes.
Should you prefer something other than
Firelighters to start your grill, we suggest using
Firestarter. Hasty-Bake does not recommend using
any type of petroleum-based lighter fluids – they only
ruin the taste of your foods!
Once the thermometer indicates a temperature
between 150 and 200ºF, excess grease build up on the
cooking grills should be removed (we recommend
using a grill brush) to clean the grills and help
prevent grease fires.
NOTE: If a grease fire ever occurs, you should
immediately close the hood, dual draft vents and
fire door (if it is open), to quickly suffocate the fire.
Hardwood Charcoal
Hasty-Bake Hardwood
Charcoal is 100% charred
hardwood made primarily
from oak and hickory. Easy to
light, this key ingredient for
Hasty-Bake cooking does not
contain any fillers or chemical
additives. Hardwood charcoal
burns hotter and gives food
great campfire flavor, and it
will have you cooking in 10 to
15 minutes without the use of
lighter fluid.
Firelighters are oversized
kitchen matches made of fine
wood particles coated with
paraffin which burn
completely in 6 to 8 minutes.
Firestarter is an odorless,
alcohol-based fire starting gel,
that helps achieve quicker
ignition times.
Grill Brush
Our grill brush has an 18”
wood handle, brass bristles
and a stainless steel scraper