
Roasted Red Peppers
Cut each bell pepper in half and remove the core and
seeds. Place the pepper over a medium-hot direct fire
on the grill and roast, turning occasionally, until
completely charred (about 10 minutes). Place the
pepper in a paper bag and let it steam for about 10
minutes, until it’s cool enough to handle. Peel away
the skin and slice the pepper into strips.
Herb Butter-Basted Corn-on-the-Cob
(The Vegetarian Grill)
6 ears corn, unhusked
1 fresh herb sprig (such as basil, cilantro, oregano,
thyme, chives, etc.)
1 garlic clove
2 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons unsalted butter
Prepare a medium-hot direct fire in your Hasty-Bake.
Peel back the husks from the corn and remove the
silks. Place in water to soak for at least 10 minutes.
On a cutting board, or in a mortar, combine the
herb, garlic and salt. Mince finely or pulverize. Add the
butter to the mortar or combine in a bowl with the
herb mixture, and work until you have a smooth paste.
Lightly spread on the corn. Bring the husks back over
the cobs.
Grill the corn, turning frequently, until the husks are
dry and the kernels are beginning to brown, 15 to 20
minutes. Serve hot off the grill.
Soy-Grilled Green Beans
(The Vegetarian Grill)
1 pound green beans, trimmed
2 Tablespoons toasted sesame oil
1 Tablespoon soy sauce
1 Tablespoon dry sherry or Chinese rice wine
2 garlic cloves, minced
Prepare a medium direct fire in your Hasty-Bake with
a lightly oiled vegetable grill rack or grill wok in place.
Place the beans in a shallow dish. Add the sesame
oil, soy sauce, sherry or rice wine and garlic. Toss to
Lift the beans out of the marinade with a pair of tongs.
Grill the beans, tossing frequently, until tender and
browned, 8 to 10 minutes.
Place the beans in a serving dish. Pour over any
remaining marinade. Serve hot.
Calico Pepper Salad
(Smoke & Spice)
3 large bell peppers, preferably 1 each of red, yellow
and green
1 small onion
1 fresh green chile, preferably New Mexican,
Anaheim or poblano (optional)
1 fresh jalapeno or 1 to 2 fresh serranos
3 garlic cloves
1 Tablespoon oil, preferably canola or corn
1 Tablespoon garlic-flavored oil
1 Tablespoon minced fresh cilantro
2 teaspoon ground cumin
Dashes of red wine vinegar
Salt to taste
Prepare your Hasty-Bake to cook with indirect heat
(with the heat deflector in place over the coals),
bringing the temperature to 200 to 220ºF.
Rub the bell peppers, onion, green chile, jalapeno,
and garlic with enough canola or corn oil to coat their
surfaces lightly.
Transfer the vegetables to the smoker. Cook until
they are well softened, 25 to 30 minutes for the garlic
and 65 to 75 minutes for everything else. Remove each
of the vegetables as it is done.
Place the bell peppers, the green chile and the
jalapeno in a plastic bag to steam. Chop the garlic and
onion finely and transfer them to a bowl. Remove the
peppers from the bag and pull the skin off of each.
Slice the bell pepper and green chile into thin ribbons
and add them to the garlic and onion. Mince the
jalapeno and add about half of it to the bowl.
Stir in the garlic-flavored oil, cilantro, cumin and a
bit of vinegar and salt to taste. Add more jalapeno or
the other seasonings as desired. Serve warm or chilled.