
Cooking Methods
Hasty-Bake Charcoal Ovens are proven award-winning smokers, but are much more versatile than traditional
smokers, allowing you to grill, bake and smoke, all on the same unit!
Direct cooking is done by cooking foods
directly over hot coals with the hood either
open or closed. This method is also called
searing, grilling or even frying. The fire box
is generally raised to the highest position
("sear" on the cooking style indicator), or 4
to 6 inches below the cooking grills. The
heat deflector should be removed when
using this cooking method. Remember,
that the meat must be turned since it will
cook faster on the side that is directly over
the fire. If you wish to cook utilizing the
entire cooking surface, light the coals as
instructed and then spread them across the
entire fire box after the coals are glowing
Indirect cooking is done by cooking
with heat only, instead of using direct
fire. This method is used for smoking,
roasting or baking. The fire box is
usually in one of the lower positions
("bake" or "smoke" on the cooking style
indicator), with the heat deflector in
place over the coals. Food may be placed
on either side of the grill while cooking
with this method, or you can utilize the
entire cooking surface. Recipe times are
based on the fire box being positioned 8
to 14 inches below the cooking grills.
Cooking times will decrease as the fire
box is raised. Your fire will need to be
refueled when using indirect cooking, so
remember to check your fire about 1
2 to
2 hours throughout the cooking process.