System message area
Error and Warning messages are displayed in red letters in the System message area
(See section 7.6).
Menu bar
The menu bar contents are different when you are logged in or if you are logged out.
Click a menu item with the mouse pointer to view the contents in the sub menu or in-
formation areas.
Sub menu area
In the menu bar, click [Main], [SMS], [Log], [Settings], [Device] to display respective
menu in the sub menu area. Click an item in the sub menu to display its contents in
the Information area. Click T to expand the sub menu for more contents items. Click
S to close the expanded submenu.
Information area
The information area displays current setting conditions and various information. Set-
ting conditions can be changed from the menu.
Affected area is displayed in parentheses
: SIM card related warning message
: Error message unrelated to SIM card message
: Warning message unrelated to SIM card
Logged in:
Logged out:
“Log” appears only when logged in
These items appear when logged in as “Admin”
Expands sub menu
Click [Basic Settings]