6.1.4 LAN settings
The LAN Settings must be performed by the network manager.
How to set the LAN IP address
Click [Settings] in the menu bar, the [Network settings], [LAN] and [IP address] in the
sub-menu. The following screen appears.
Item Description
Own IP address
IP address Enter the LAN IP Address (IPv4 Address). Factory
setting is [].
Subnet mask Select the LAN Subnet mask.
DHCP Server
Lease information button Go to the DCHP lease information screen.
DHCP Use: Use DHCP Server in the communication unit.
Unuse: Do not use DHCP Server.
From Enter assigned commencement IP address (IPv4 ad-
dress). Factory setting is [].
To Enter assigned last IP address (IPv4 address). Facto-
ry setting is [].
Apply button Click to apply settings. The screen shows "The Cm-
mUnt will restart automatically after this settings. Con-
tinue?" → [OK] button → “Completed. Please wait a
moment for restarting.” displays → press the [OK]
button to close message → Equipment restarts.
Cancel button Restore previous settings.