Entry screen/Edit screen
P/S • P: First data connection for each group is shown.
• S: Second and subsequent data connections for each group are
Service Show service available.
Application Show application available. (Effective for second or after PS.)
Status Display connection status. Connected, or Not connected is shown.
Operation • Disconnect button: Disconnect connection.
• Connect button: Establish connection.
Note: Disconnecting a service that is prefixed with a P mark dis-
connects all services currently connected.
Edit button Edit the connection list. (Not available during PS.) Control goes to
the Edit screen.
Item Description
Group Display group name.
Service Select service to use. (Standard data, 8kbps Streaming,
16kbps Streaming, 32kbps Streaming, 64kbps Stream-
ing, 128kbps Streaming, 256kbps Streaming*) The top-
most item on the connection list (Standard) cannot be
changed. * FELCOM 500 only
Application Effective for second or after PS. Select application to use
(Windows Media Player, Quick Time, Real Player, FTP,
Note: The topmost item (Browser) on the connection list
cannot be changed.
Add button Register entered information. Control returns to the group
setting screen.
Save button Save entered information. Control returns to the group
setting screen.
Cancel button Return to the group setting screen.
Item Description
Edit screenCreation screen