To start a rollback for a snapshot group named snapGroup1:
start snapImage ["snapGroup1"] rollback
You can specify a snapshot image rollback for a specific snapshot image in a snapshot group named
stop snapImage ["snapGroup1:12345"] rollback;
To stop a rollback operation for the most recent snapshot image in a snapshot group that has the name
stop snapImage ["snapGroup1:newest"] rollback;
The repository virtual disk associated with the snapshot image continues to track any new changes
between the base virtual disk and the snapshot image virtual disk that occur after the rollback operation is
To resume a rollback operation for the same snapshot image and snapshot group:
resume snapImage ["snapgroup1:12345"] rollback;
Creating A Snapshot Group
A snapshot group is a sequence of point-in-time images of a single associated base virtual disk. A
snapshot group uses a repository to save data for all snapshot images contained in the group. The
repository is created at the same time the snapshot group is created.
Guidelines when creating a snapshot group:
• When a base virtual disk that contains a snapshot group is added to an asynchronous remote
replication group, the system automatically changes the repository full policy to automatically purge
the oldest snapshot image and sets the auto-delete limit to the maximum allowable snapshot limit for
a snapshot group.
• If the base virtual disk resides on a standard disk group, the repository members for any associated
snapshot group can reside on either a standard disk group or a disk pool. If a base virtual disk resides
on a disk pool, all repository members for any associated snapshot group must reside on the same
disk pool as the base virtual disk.
• You cannot create a snapshot group on a failed virtual disk.
• If you attempt to create a snapshot image, that snapshot image creation operation might remain in a
Pending state because of the following conditions:
– The base virtual disk that contains this snapshot image is a member of an asynchronous remote
replication group.
– The base virtual disk is currently in a synchronizing operation. The snapshot image creation
completes as soon as the synchronization operation is complete.
To create a snapshot group:
create snapGroup userLabel="snapGroupName" sourceVirtualDisk="virtualDiskName"
(repositoryVirtualDisk="repos_xxxx" | repositoryVirtualDisk=(
[capacity=capacityValue]) repositoryVirtualDisk=(diskPoolName
[capacity=capacityValue])) [repositoryFullPolicy=(failBaseWrites |
purgeSnapImages) | rollbackPriority=(highest | high | medium | low | lowest) |
repositoryFullLimit=percentValue | autoDeleteLimit=numberOfSnapImages |
enableSchedule=(TRUE | FALSE) schedule=(immediate | snapshotSchedule)]