Parameter Description
The alphanumeric identifier (including - and _) of
the snapshot virtual disk on which to run a
consistency check. Enclose the snapshot virtual
disk identifier in square brackets ([ ]).
The alphanumeric identifier (including - and _) of
the thin virtual disk on which to run a consistency
check. Enclose the virtual disk identifier in square
brackets ([ ]).
Specifies that the target of a virtual disk copy
relationship is checked for consistency.
Use only in conjunction with the
virtualDiskCopy parameter to specify the
alphanumeric identifier of the virtual disk that is the
target of the virtual disk copy relationship. Enclose
the virtual disk identifier in double quotation marks
(" ").
The file path and the file name to which you want
to save the report that results from the consistency
check. Enclose the file name in double quotation
marks (" "). For example: file="C:\Program Files\CLI
\logs \repoConsistency.txt". This parameter must
appear last, after any of the optional parameters.
Check Storage Array Connectivity
This command verifies that the local storage array and the remote storage array have a communication
path and displays the connection details between the local and remote storage array.
Before creating a remote replication group, you should check whether the local storage array and the
remote storage array can communicate with each other. When you execute this command, the system
queries for the remote storage array on all eligible host ports to determine what ports are connected to
the remote storage array. The result of the test is a list of all ports on the local storage array along with a
list of the remote storage array port addresses accessible through that port.
NOTE: Connectivity is tested using all possible channels, and if it is a dual RAID controller module
configuration, connectivity is checked from each RAID controller module. It might take up to 20
minutes to check connectivity between two storage arrays.
check storageArray connectivity (remoteStorageArrayName="storageArrayName" |