Parameter Description
characters, the primary virtual disk name must also
be enclosed in double quotation marks (“ ”).
The setting to identify the virtual disks in this
command that are in a write-consistency group or
are separate. For the virtual disks to be in the same
write-consistency group, set this parameter to
TRUE. For the virtual disks to be separate, set this
parameter to FALSE.
NOTE: If you set the writeConsistency parameter to TRUE, the virtual disks must be in a write-
consistency group (or groups). This command resumes all write-consistency groups that contain
the virtual disks. For example, if virtual disks A, B, and C are in a write-consistency group and they
have remote counterparts A’, B’, and C’, the resume remoteReplication virtual disk
[“A”] writeConsistency=TRUE
command resumes A-A’, B-B’, and C-C’.
Resume Remote Replication Group
This command resumes data transfer between all replicated pairs in a remote replication group. Data
written to the primary virtual disks while the remote replication group was suspended is written to the
secondary virtual disks immediately. Periodic synchronization resumes if an automatic synchronization
interval has been set.
resume asyncRemoteReplicationGroup ["asyncRemoteReplicationGroupName"]
Parameter Description
The name of the remote replication group for
which you want to start synchronization. Enclose
the remote replication group name in double
quotation marks (" ") inside square brackets ([ ]").
The parameter to delete the recovery point if the
recoverable synchronization data has exceeded
time threshold for recovery. Recovery point age is
measured from the time the data was frozen on
the primary storage array.