• Set passwords
• Add storage arrays
• Specify communication parameters
• Enter individual script configuration commands
• Specify a file containing script configuration commands
The following are general forms of the CLI commands, showing the parameters and terminals used in
each command. The table below lists definitions for the parameters shown in the CLI commands.
Table 1. Command Name Conventions
Parameter Definition
pipe symbol indicating alternative ("a" or "b")
italicized-words terminals
[...] (square brackets) zero or one occurrence
{...} (curly brackets) zero or more occurrences
<...> (angle brackets) occurrence exceeds maximum limit of 30
choose only one of the alternatives
bold terminals
SMcli host-name-or-IP-address [host-name-or-IPaddress]
[-c "
command; {command2};"]
[-n storage-array-name | -w WWID]
[-o outputfile][-p password][-e][-S]
SMcli host-name-or-IP-address
[host-name-or-IP-address] [-f scriptfile]
[-n storage-array-name | -w WWID]
outputfile] [-p password] [-e] [-S]
SMcli (-n storage-array-name | -w WWID)
[-c "command; {command2};"]
[-o outputfile][-p password][-e][-S]
SMcli (-n storage-array-name | -w WWID)
[-f scriptfile]
[-o outputfile] [-p password] [-e] [-S]
SMcli (-n storage-array-name | -w WWID)
outputfile][-p password][-e][-S]
SMcli -a email:email-address
[-n storage-array-name | -w WWID | -h host-name |
-r (host_sa | direct_sa)]
[-I information-to-include][-q frequency][-S]
SMcli -x email:email-address
[-n storage-array-name | -w WWID | -h host-name |
-r (host_sa | direct_sa)] [-S]
SMcli (-a | -x) trap:community,
host-name-or-IP-address [host-name-or-IP-address1