603 Hardware Specifications, REV 2 27
Preliminary—Subject to Change without Notice
Appendix A
General Handling Recommendations for the
IBM Package
The following list provides a few guidelines for package handling:
• Handle the electrostatic discharge sensitive (ESD) package with care before, during, and after
• Do not apply any load to exceed 3 Kg after assembly.
• Components should not be hot dip tinned
• The package encapsulation is an acrylated urethane. Use adequate ventilation (local exhaust) for all
elevated temperature processes.
The package parameters are as follows:
Heat sink adhesive AIEG-7655
IBM reference drawing 99F4869
Test socket Yamaichi QFP-PO 0.5-240P
Signal 165
Power/ground 75
Total 240
A.1 Package Environmental, Operation, Shipment,
and Storage Requirements
The environmental, operation, shipment, and storage requirements are as follows:
• Make sure that the package is suitable for continuous operation under business office environments.
— Operating environment: 10 °C to 40 °C, 8% to 80% relative humidity
— Storage environment: 1 °C to 60 °C, to 80% relative humidity
— Shipping environment: 40 °C to 60 °C, 5% to 100% relative humidity
• This component is qualified to meet JEDEC moisture Class 2 of bag
— After expiration of shelf life, packages may be baked at 120 °C (+10/–5 °C) for 4 hours
minimum and packaged. Shelf life is as specified above.