
603 Hardware Specifications, REV 2 19
Preliminary—Subject to Change without Notice
1.6.2 IBM C4-CQFP Package Description
The following sections provide the package parameters and mechanical dimensions for the IBM C4-CQFP
package. Package Parameters
The package parameters are as provided in the following list. The package type is 32 mm x 32 mm, 240-pin
ceramic quad flat pack.
Package outline 32 mm x 32 mm
Interconnects 240
Pitch 0.5 mm
Lead plating Ni Au
Solder joint Sn/PB (10/90)
Lead encapsulation Epoxy
Solder-bump encapsulation Epoxy
Maximum module height 3.1 mm
Co-planarity specification 0.08 mm
Note: No solvent can be used with the C4-CQFP package. See Appendix A, “General Handling
Recommendations for the IBM Package,” for details.