
Chapter 7 X330WAN CLI Commands
134 Avaya X330W-2DS1 User’s Guide
the no form of the command to restore the default line-code type of transmission.
The syntax for this command is:
For T1 lines:
linecode {ami|b8zs}
For E1 lines:
linecode {ami|hdb3}
Note: Use this command in configurations where the router or access server must
communicate with E1 or T1 fractional data lines. The T1 service provider
determines which line-code type, ami or b8zs, is required for your T1 circuit. The
E1 service provider determines which line-code type, ami or hdb3, is required for
your E1 circuit.
The following example specifies B8ZS as the line-code type for a T1 line:
X330WAN-2DS1-1(config-controller:1)# linecode b8zs
X330WAN-2DS1-1(config-controller:1)# no linecode
loopback diag (Controller Context only)
Use the loopback diag command to put the T1 or E1 line into loopback mode.
Note: Regarding the use of loopbacks during line setup and maintenance, only one
type of loopback can be defined at any given time.
ami Alternate Mark Inversion line-code type. Valid for both T1 and
E1 controllers.
b8zs B8ZS line-code type. Valid for T1 controller only. This is the
default value for T1 lines.
hdb3 High-Density Bipolar 3 line-code type. Valid for E1 controller
only. This is the default value for E1 lines.