
Avaya X330W-2DS1 User’s Guide I
About This Guide
This guide describes the functioning and features of the X330WAN expansion
module, and its basic and common configurations. The commands specific to the
X330WAN module are listed and described in a separate chapter of this guide, as
well as included in the basic and common configuration chapters.
The purpose of this guide is to describe the concepts used in the X330WAN, and
provide the necessary information to configure and manage the X330WAN module.
This guide is intended for customers of Avaya who have networking experience,
and are familiar with router-based internetworking.
Conventions used in the Documentation
Documentation for this product uses the following conventions to convey
instructions and information:
Mandatory keywords are in the computer bold font.
Information displayed on screen is displayed in computer font.
Variables that you supply are in pointed brackets <>.
Optional keywords are in square brackets [].
Alternative but mandatory keywords are grouped in braces {} and separated by
a vertical bar |.
Lists of parameters from which you should choose are enclosed in square
brackets [ ] and separated by a vertical bar |.
If you enter an alphanumeric string of two words or more, enclose the string in
inverted commas.