
Chapter 7 X330WAN CLI Commands
116 Avaya X330W-2DS1 User’s Guide
Output Example:
X330WAN-2DS1-1(configure)# show ip access-group "FastEthernet
1" in
Note: This command is available out of context only.
show ip access-list-dscp
Use the show ip access-list-dscp command to display the DSCP table of a
given policy list.
Note: This command is only supported by the X330WAN module.
The syntax for this command is:
show ip access-list dscp <policy-list-number> [<dscp>]
X330WAN-2DS1-1(configure)# show ip access-list-dscp 101 63
interface name string (e.g."FastEthernet 0")
direction in | out
policy-list-number The policy list number (integer from 100 to 199).
Entering 0 displays the default list.
dscp DSCP entry (integer from 0 to 63).