Installation and Maintenance Manual Master Index In-13
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019-01
Protocols 1 and 3, 3−12
command, 6-12
options, 7-1
moves, adds, and changes, 7-43
server activity trace, 7-50
Call Detail Record, LOG Command, 7-1
Call Processing Trace, LOG Command, 7-1
LOG command, 7-1
AUX activities, 7-20
digital networking, 8−55
Event activities, 7-20
examples of PR CPT, 7-14
LOG PR CPT command, digital networking, 8−55
LSP Table, 10-3
MAC log
See also Moves, adds, changes
configuration table entires logged, 7-43
system distribution list changes logged, 7-48
extended mailbox changes logged, 7-48
add in ranges, input aid, 1-6
auto-increment, input aid, 1-6
configuration status, 6-19
LIST command, 6-2, 6-19, 6-20
usage report, 5-33
Mailbox INFORMATION Table, 1-16
Mailboxes, capacity on demand, list feature screen,
application delays, 6-46–6-58
boot ROM diagnostics, 8-1–8-4
call processing trace, 7-5–7-20
CLEAR command, 6-4
command summary, 6-1–6-18
courtesy up/down commands, 6-7–6-9
diagnostics, 6-19–6-45
diagrams, 9-1–9-10
digital networking, 8−49–8−64
CMD PING command, 6-28
DCSTAT command, 6-28
FINDMBOX command, 6-26, 8−50
LANSTAT command, 6-25
LCSTAT command, 8−52
LIST NET DOMAIN command, 8−49
LOG command and Call Processing Trace, 8−55
NAMESEND command, 8−15
NAMESTAT command, 8−52
traffic pegs, 8−58–8−61
DTIC, 10-9–10-19
hardware errors, 8-5–8-39
hardware replacement, 9-11–9-62
LAN card
CMD PING command, 11-7
LANSTAT command, 11-8
traffic pegs, 11-10–11-11
LIST command, 6-1
password, 6-14
preventive, 9-1–9-10
remote analog networking, 2−40–2−43, 3−20–3−26,
4−18–4−25, 17–22, 6−21–6−31
LIST HE command, 2−41, 3−21–3−26,
LIST NET command, 2−40–2−41, 3−20–3−21,
4−18, 6−21–6−22
LIST NF command, 2−41–2−44, 4−20–4−25,
traffic pegs, 2−42–2−43, 3−22–3−23, 4−25,
21–22, 6−25–6−27
shutdown/startup commands, 6-7–6-9
test commands, 6-5–6-6
traffic peg count table, 8-40–8-61
Maintenance and troubleshooting, remote analog
networking, 2−40–2−43, 3−20–3−26, 4−18–4−25,
17–22, 6−21–6−31
Marking messages unplayable, 6-59
Maximum message length, Protocol 2, 4−15
Maximum message length index, INSTALL program,
Maximum number of messages index, INSTALL
program, 1-21
MBLOCK, 6-13
adaptive integration, 14−1–14−31
call processing
direct internal calls, 14−4, 14−5
forwarded external calls, 14−4
forwarded internal calls, 14−5
message waiting, 14−6
call records, 14−3
called party indentification, 14−1
configuration checklist, 14−19
configuration recommendations, 14−12
configuration requirements, 14−9, 14−10
hardware requirements, 14−8
hunt group initiation, 14−12
ICU port settings for integration with message
server, 14−11
message server configuration, 14−14–14−20
COS attributes, 14−14
System Parameter indexes, 14−15–14−18
message waiting indication, 14−1
requirements, hardware and software, 14−8