Installation 4−1
PB60019−01 Octel 200/300 S.4.1
This section provides procedures for unpacking, inspecting, inventorying, and reshipping the OctelR
The server is shipped in the customer-ordered configuration. All PCAs, power supplies, and disk drives
are installed in the cabinet. Depending on the options ordered with the server (such as DTIC or DAC),
some additional assembly of the server might be required. Refer to specific sections in this chapter about
any options for assembly instructions. Each server is shipped on a pallet, protected by foam inserts, and
covered by a cardboard box.
Weights at maximum configurations are as follows:
- 120 pounds (54 kg) for the Octel 200
- 200 pounds (90 kg) for the Octel 300
Inspecting for Shipping Damage
Before accepting delivery of an Octel 200/300 from the carrier, inspect the tilt-watch indicators, located
on the left front center and the right side center of the carton. Also inspect the cardboard carton. If the
tilt-watch is tripped or the carton has external damage, notify the carrier immediately, and submit a
damage report to the carrier and to Avaya. In the event of equipment damage, negotiate claims directly
with the carrier.
Unpacking the Cabinet
Do not take the server off the shipping pallet unless the unpacking is being done at the installation site.
Make sure that you have at least two people to
remove the server from the pallet. Because of the
weight of the server, it could be damaged or a person
could be injured.
1. Remove the plastic clips securing the cardboard carton to the shipping pallet. Squeeze the center of
the clip, lift it, and pull it away from the carton.
2. Remove the cardboard carton by lifting it straight up.
3. Remove the foam insert from the top of the server.
4. Remove the bag from the top of the server. The bag contains the front-door key, power cord, and
message server documents.
5. Inspect the server visually for physical damage.
6. Use a 7/16 inch wrench to remove the four brackets that secure the server to the pallet. The brackets
are located at the base of the server.
7. Unlock and open the front door. It is recommended that the front door be removed before moving the
cabinet from the pallet.