System Errors and Traffic Pegs 8-3
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019−01
Boot Rom Diagnostic Errors
An error message prints if errors are encountered. Table 8-1 is a list of possible boot ROM diagnostic
error numbers, a description of each error, and the most likely cause. The error number is displayed in
hexdecimal form. When a failed assembly is returned for repair, the specific error number provides
additional information. When contacting your technical support center, indicate the boot ROM diagnostic
error number. A fatal error means that the message server does not come up.
Table 8-1 Boot ROM Diagnostic Errors
Severity Description CPU Likely
001 Fatal Microprocessor Instruction Set Error n CPU
002 Fatal EPROM (Flash) Checksum Error n CPU
003 Fatal DRAM Pattern Test Error n CPU
004 Fatal DRAM Address Test Error n CPU
006 Programmable Interval timer error in timing n CPU
007 Programmable interval timer interrupt error n CPU
008 Analog to digital converter test error n CPU
009 +5V VCC out of range (+4.75V to +5.25V) n PSU
00A +5V clean out of range (+4.75V to +5.25V) n PSU
00B +12V clean out of range (+10.8V to +13.2V) n PSU
00C +12V motor supply out of range (+11.4V to +12.6V) n PSU
00D −5V clean out of range (−5.5V to −4.5V) n PSU
00E −12V out of range (−12,6V to −11.4V) n PSU
00F Temperature out of range (<10C or >50C) n CPU
010 Analog tone timer error n CPU
011 Fatal Unexpected interrupt error n CPU
012 DMA page register test error n CPU
013 DMA register test error n CPU
DMA transfer test error
Real Time Clock RAM test error
016 Real Time Clock Alarm interrupt error n CPU
017 Real Time Clock counting error n CPU
018 Floppy disk controller test error n CPU
019 Option Control Chip write error n OCC
01A Option Control Chip read error n OCC
01B Option Control Chip checksum error n OCC
01C Watchdog timer test error n CPU
01D UART 1 test error n CPU
01E UART 2 test error n CPU