
E Automatic self test intervals Default = 336 (336 hours = 14
days) (336=14 days, 168=7 days,
ON=power on, OFF=never)
F Line frequency, Hz 60.00 (50.0 in Europe)
G Cause of transfer R = unacceptable utility voltage
rate of change, H = high utility
voltage, L = low utility voltage, T
= line voltage notch or spike, O
= no transfers yet (since turnon),
S = transfer due to serial port
U command or activation of UPS
test from front panel, NA = trans-
fer reason still not available (read
K—K Shutdown with grace period (set
with ’p’) - need > 1.5s between
first and second K
Matrix/3rd gen SmartUPS/Black
Back-UPS Pros: “OK”, all others:
L Input line voltage Ranges - typical “118.3” or
“228.8” in Europe
M Maximum line voltage received
since last M query
Ranges - typical “118.9” or
“230.1” in Europe
N Minimum line voltage received
since last N query
Ranges - typical “118.9” or
“226.2” in Europe
O Output voltage Ranges - typical “118.3” or
“228.8” in Europe
P Power load % Ranges - typical “011.4” depends
on what you have plugged in.
Q Status flags Bitmapped, see below
R Turn dumb Only on 3rd gen Smar-
tUPS, SmartUPS v/s, BackUPS
S Soft shutdown after ’p’ delay, re-
turn online when power returns
Only works when UPS is on bat-
U Simulate power failure !! when switching to battery, then
$ when back on line
V Old firmware revision “GWD” or “IWI” The last charac-
ter indicates the locale (Domestic,
W Self test (battery), results stored
in “X”