
XOFFBATT time and date of last transfer from batteries, or N/A.
SELFTEST is the results of the last self test, and may have the following
values: OK - self test indicates good battery BT - self test failed due
to insufficient battery capacity NG - self test failed due to overload
NO - No results (i.e. no self test performed in the last 5 minutes).
STESTI is the interval in hours between automatic self tests.
STATFLAG status flag. English version is given by STATUS.
DIPSW is the dip switch settings.
REG1 is the value from the UPS fault register 1.
REG2 is the value from the UPS fault register 2.
REG3 is the value from the UPS fault register 3.
MANDATE is the date the UPS was manufactured.
SERIALNO is the UPS serial number.
BATTDATE is the date that batteries were last replaced.
NOMOUTV is the output voltage that the UPS will attempt to supply
when on battery power.
NOMBATTV is the nominal battery voltage.
HUMIDITY is the humidity as measured by the UPS.
AMBTEMP is the ambient temperature as measured by the UPS.
EXTBATTS is the number of external batteries as defined by the user.
A correct number here helps the UPS compute the remaining runtime
more accurately.
BADBATTS is the number of bad battery packs.
FIRMWARE is the firmware revision number.
APCMODEL is the old APC model identification code.
END APC is the time and date that the STATUS record was written.