
want to send an email message to root. At present the arguments that
apccontrol recognizes are:
When apcupsd detects an event, it calls the apccontrol script with four
arguments as:
apccontrol <event> <ups-name> <connected> <powered>
event is the event that occurred and it may be any one of the values
described in the next section.
ups-name is the name of the UPS as specified in the configuration file
(not the name in the EEPROM). For version 3.8.2, this is always set
to Default
connected is 1 if apcupsd is connected to the UPS via a serial port (or a
USB port). In most configurations, this will be the case. In the case of
a Slave machine where apcupsd is not directly connected to the UPS,
this value will be 0.
powered is 1 if the computer on which apcupsd is running is powered by
the UPS and 0 if not. At the moment, this value is unimplemented
and always 0.
apccontrol Command Line Options
apccontrol accepts the following command line options:
annoyme When a shutdown is scheduled, and the time specified on the
ANNOYME directive in the apcupsd.conf file expires, this event is
Default does a printf ‘‘Power problems please logoff.’’ |
wall then exits.
changeme When apcupsd detects that the mains are on, but the battery is
not functioning correctly, this event is generated. It is repeated every
x hours.
Default does a printf ‘‘Emergency! UPS batteries have
failed\nChange them NOW’’ | wall then exits.