
onbattery This event is generated 5 or 6 seconds after an initial pow-
erfailure is detected. It means that apcupsd definitely considers the
UPS to be on batteries. The onset of this event can be delayed by the
ONBATTERYDELAY apcupsd.conf configuration directive.
Default does a printf ‘‘Power failure. Running on UPS
batteries.’’ | wall then exits.
offbattery This event is generated when the mains return only if the
onbattery event has been generated.
Default — does nothing.
powerout This event is generated immediately when apcupsd detects that
the UPS has switched to batteries. It may be due to a short power-
failure, an automatic selftest of the UPS, or a longer powerfailure. In
many cases, you may want to inhibit the normal message sent/emailed
by this event to avoid being annoyed by short power failures.
Default does a printf ‘‘Warning power loss detected.’’ |
wall then exits.
remotedown This event is generated on a slave machine when it detects
either that the master has shutdown, or that a onbattery situation
exists and the communications line has been severed. Despite the
name, you should never reboot the machine — instead always shut it
Does a shutdown -h now
restartme This event is depreciated and should not be used.
Terminates the currently running apcupsd and then restarts it.
runlimit This event is generated when the MINUTES value defined in
the apcupsd.conf file expires while in a power fail condition. The
MINUTES is the remaining runtime as internally calculated by the
UPS and monitored by apcuspd.
Does a printf ‘‘UPS battery runtime percent reached. Doing
shutdown.\n’’ | wall then exits. After completing this event,
apcupsd will immediately initiate a doshutdown event.
timeout This event is generated when the TIMOUT value defined in the
apcupsd.conf file expires while in a power fail condition. It indicates
that the total time in a power failure has been exeeded and the machine
should be shutdown. Normally, with smart UPSes, this value is not
used, but rather one relies on the remaining runtime (MINUTES) or
the battery level (BATTERYLEVEL) values specified in the conf file.