
Trunk Group
Telecommunications channels assigned as a group for certain
Trunk Port
The hardware (circuit pack) providing an interface between the
system and central office (CO)/network trunks.
Unit Load
A measurement used to evaluate a System 25 cabinet’s power load
capacity. Each System 25 cabinet can handle 80 unit loads of 48-
volt power. One unit load equals 44 mA.
Voice Terminal
A single-line or multiline voice instrument (that is, telephone). See
Terminal Equipment.
Wide Area Telecommunications Service (WATS)
A service that allows calls to a certain area or areas for a flat-rate
charge based on expected usage.
Wink-Start Tie Trunk
After establishing a connection with a distant switching system for
an outgoing call, the system waits for a momentary signal (wink)
before sending the digits of the called number. Similarly, on an
incoming call, the system sends the wink signal when ready to
receive digits.
Write Operation
The process of putting information onto a storage medium such as
magnetic tape.
800 Service
A service that allows incoming calls from a certain area or areas to
an assigned number for a flat-rate charge based on usage.