This manual provides procedures and information for installing, and testing the
AT&T System 25 Release 3 and associated equipment. The maintenance
information contained in Section 4 pertains to the AT&T System 25 Release 1,
Versions 1 and 2 (RI VI and R1V2), Release 2, Version 1 (R2V1 ), as well as to
AT&T System 25 Release 3, Version 1,2 and 3 (R3V1, R3V2 and R3V3).
Installation and maintenance procedures for the AT&T System 25 Call
Management System and Integrated Solution are provided in a separate set of
documents for each system.
This manual is intended for use by an installation and/or maintenance technician
dispatched to a System 25 site for an installation or in response to an alarm or a
user trouble report. This technician must have completed the Tier 1 training
course (T-335). Each installed System 25 has a customer-designated System
The technician should work closely with this System
Administrator. The System 25 Administration (555-540-500) and Implementation
(555-540-650) Manuals describe the administrator’s functions.
In the S25 documentation, the terms “voice terminal”, “voice stations”, and
“telephone” are used to describe the same piece of hardware. The S25
documentation also uses the terms ‘Personal Dial Code (PD.)”, and ‘extension
number’ interchangeably.
The remainder of this manual is divided into Sections 2 through 6 and six
Section 2. Installation-Describes the installation of the cabinet(s)
wiring, and other components. Certain preinstallation requirements
must be met; therefore, read “PREINSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS”
before installing any part of System 25.
Section 3. System Test—Describes all the tests necessary to verify
that the system is operating correctly.
Section 4. Maintenance — Provides information necessary for
monitoring, testing, and maintaining all releases of AT&T System 25.
November 1995