APPENDIX C: System Additions or Changes
9. When the terminal is initialized, test it following the appropriate
procedures in Section 3, “System Tests. ”
Add Pooled Modem Circuit Pack
Select a cabinet in which to add the TN758 Pooled Modem CP. Only
two Pooled Modem CPs per cabinet are allowed.
Add the Pooled Modem CP following the procedures under “Add
Circuit Pack” in this appendix.
Follow the procedures in the Administration Manual to translate the
Pooled Modem CP.
When the Pooled Modem CP is initialized, test it following the
procedures under “Make Pooled Modem Test Call” in Section 3.
Add Auxiliary Equipment
Install the auxiliary equipment, following the appropriate procedures
in Section 2, “installation. ”
2. When the auxiliary equipment is initialized, test it following the
appropriate procedures in Section 3, “System Tests. ”